

Hazle Township

Hazle Township

Welcome to Hazle Township, Luzerne County, PA

Hazle Township is a quiet community in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, that surrounds the City of Hazleton. Residents of the township enjoy suburban living with all the conveniences of city life. Approximately 10,000 people live in a variety of neighborhoods and housing developments throughout the township. Stores, restaurants and recreational opportunities abound throughout the township and beyond.


We support the Pennsylvania State Police!

The Pennsylvania State Police handle Hazle Township’s police calls from the Hazleton barracks in Valmont Industrial Park. Hazle Township officials have an excellent working relationship with the state police and thank the troopers for their continued coverage.
For non-emergency police matters, call Pennsylvania State Police Hazleton at (570) 459-3890.

Click the Swift 911 button below to add your contact information to our emergency notification list so you can be contacted with important information and announcements.